No Date.
I came home to a message from Aaron just now asking me out. Again. 3rd time within the last month.

This time he wanted to know if i wanted to see Lincoln with him because i mentioned wanting to go see it. He doesn't strike me as the Lincoln lovin' type. He strikes me as the The Fast and the Furious type.

Something about him makes me uncomfortable. It might be his shaved head or the fact that he likes to wear wife beaters and baggy jeans. His fascination with Horror movies, posters, photos or some of the random pictures he takes in creepy Halloween masks when it's not Halloween time. That should clue me in real nice.

I got the message late, since i was already out hanging with two of my good friends and i don't have access to mobile internet.

I wish i understood the type of men who approach me. One thing they don't necessarily stop to consider is how much we wouldn't mesh or click. I remember once, Burch told me that he had told her he wanted to ask me out but that she said "Uhh no. I know her. You aren't her type" and when i thought about it, it's not that i have a specific type or preference that i stick to as much as that i know for sure when two people wouldn't be good togethe in this or any other universe.
We'd look weird walking down the street together... even as two friends. He thinks i'm attractive so even if i just went to see a movie with him, i'm almost certain he would try something.

He was still with his now ex- girlfriend the fist time he asked me out, which i thought was wrong of him. I heard she tried to tie him down by making him believe she was pregnant at one point but i'm not 100% sure on how true that was.

I don't like trouble or even stirring it up (even unintentionally.)

It's weird you know, how people you don't even like in that way are always the ones insisting on taking you out and the ones you wish would step up, don't give a flying fuck about you. The world's a little twisted... and here I am being asked out by Vin Fucking Diesel.

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posted on 2012-11-11 @ 2:17 a.m.