Mixed Feelings.
Where exactly do you draw the line between lowering your standards and trying not to sacrifice your own happiness?

Timing seems to be the key to a lot of things involving relationships.

I'm afraid you can't control feelings at will. If you could, i'd probably have two kids by now.

People like to play games, yet you see tons of them walking around holding hands with the person they are with.
My brother tells me that women don't tell you what they want. I happily exclude myself from that.

I remember telling a person who held my heart once exactly what i wanted. It varied in phrasing but essentially said the same thing over and over.

"i love you"
"i want to be your girlfriend"
"i want to make you happy"
"you are the love of my life"

Guess where that got me? Nowhere.

People complain about 'mixed signals' from others all the time but yet there they are trailing behind. All they are basically doing is chasing their own tail. To what end?

All that does is buy you more time for the final rejection. Guess what? Someone who likes you... you know, with actual feelings will not give you mixed signals. A person that gives you mixed signals is simply seeking for the thrill of being wanted and likes the attention. They like to see how long you will keep it going, fill their ego and move along. They don't care about you. A nice person will spare your feelings from the get go but a selfish person will string you along because it brings them satisfaction. None of this is ever about you or your feelings It's about them.

Agony is not always required as a given when you have your sights on someone special. Who says you have to suffer to get the person you love 10 times out of 10? There is always a better route.

No matter how many times you say "i love you" to someone, it won't make a difference if they don't want to see it.

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posted on 2012-11-12 @ 5:59 p.m.