Everyone i've told so far is excited about this, but i'm not sure if i am yet. I'm nervous. Ana raised her arms up in relief and joyfulness and i couldn't help but laugh.
I guess we'll see.
I don't like the fact that i had to push to get a response but women are taking charge these days, i guess even though that's not my fashion.

I don't know when we're going out, but i told him yes when he asked.

I don't even know if this will turn into a relationship. It might just turn into a few dates, if not just us hanging out. He's kind of reserved and private but lights up when you mention cars or anything related.

He keeps a lot of things to himself, including his feelings but i guess when he smiles, it warms your heart. You'll have to forgive me for being so guarded and negative about this. It's just that i am not used to things going my way. Whenever it feels like something kind of good might happen, something always gets in the way or it never ends up happening. Then, when it all crumbles, i say to myself: 'I should of known' and i usually do know, but as much as i "expect" things to never work out, there's always a part of me that really hoped they would.

I also don't really see myself as the kind of girl guys get excited to see, so i'm not sure how he feels about this or me.

In my head, i think he thinks it's worth giving it a shot, but i'm not entirely sure if he would of asked me out if i hadn't initiated something. I had actually given up on it because i didn't see him making any move.

I know he thinks i am very attractive but that still doesn't impress me. I am definitely skeptical, but there's no shame in trying, right?

He's such a good guy. That's what everyone says and i know it's true- I've seen it even while not outside of work.
I just wish Bradley would stop with the disgusting comments in front of me. Every time he's around, i grow a little worried.

Guys are Guys, i get it...
but i don't want him rubbing off on Ri.

I'll Keep you Posted.


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posted on 2012-01-14 @ 9:40 p.m.