Maybe, there's something wrong with YOU.
When someone accuses me about there being something wrong with me when there really isn't anything wrong with me, THAT pisses me off.
I've been good. Better than i have been in a long, long time.
Yes, there are days when i'm tired, sleepy or just quiet. That doesn't necessarily mean anything is wrong, but for some reason a handful of people in my family think that i'm not the same person as of a few days ago.
My moron of an uncle asked if i was bitter! I had to laugh, really. because he's one of the most clueless people i've ever known in my whole life.

Dad was quick to defend me. Yes, my dad. He agreed with me. Daniela even said that i haven't asked her to spend the night.
The reason i have not asked is because my mom is always complaining that she's lazy and won't get out of bed until 2 or 3p.m.
Daniela is a great great girl. She's practically my sister, we look so much alike...we're so close and when she comes to town, she always spends the night, but my mom has given me enough hints for me to figure out that i should not ask her.
Daniela can go and has gone three days without a shower. She sometimes gets out of bed with her make-up from the day before and she will not wash her face in the morning. She'll just pile more make-up on top of what she had.
She'll spend HOURS on the computer, she practically binges when she eats...and she won't help clean up when we make messes. She's pretty lazy.
She's rude to her mother and is pretty selfish. We might look a lot a like physically, but when it comes to the little things i just mentioned, i am not like her in any way.

I just can't believe Denisse, Danny, My Uncle and even my Grandpa are saying all these things and attacking me as if they knew, as if they were so sure something is the matter when in fact, nothing is and this diary is mine, and i have no reason to lie here. I am as honest as i want to be and i am for sure very much okay. Nothing is the matter, i'm the same person i've always been. I am going to keep being the same sweet person they all know and respect...

I just wish they would just take a step back and look at their own lives before meddle into mine.

I'm just glad My Dad is defending me and is on my side with this. My mom is great, but she listens to other people too much, that she starts believing them in a way.
She DID say: "Kenet? Bitter? HA! She's the LEAST Bitter person i know...and turst me...i'm her mother so i know her. She laughs, she jokes, she smiles, she's affectionate, loving and and a great daughter"

So Thanks.


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posted on 2011-12-19 @ 1:48 p.m.