Won't be long Now.
Currently Listening:
Track: "Life Isn't Easy (Something About You)" Demo Version
Artist: Boston
Album: We Found It in the Trashcan, Honest!
LastFM Plays: 2,210
Position: #1

I hardly slept yesterday. I managed to get off work early enough to come home, shower and go to Lewisville for Fabian's birthday. It wasn't quite as hot so overall, it was bearable. I was so worn when i finally headed home. The drive back seemed to take forever. I had been up since 5a.m. without stopping for rest. Work day is over for today and after tomorrow i've finally got a few days off. Promised Ty i'd talk to him Monday assuming he's got the time then i'll talk to him then.
I need to talk to Karen about July 9th when i see her before the week is over and if all goes well, i'm all set to leave 2 weeks from now to South Padre Island. I'm so desiring to get away, so i'm happy its happening soon.

All is good :)

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posted on 2011-06-25 @ 9:51 p.m.