Besides the one i gave to Mum, i have three left handed notebooks sitting in my drawer right now. I used one of them to write Tim a letter (which i'll send as soon as i get a chance) I think he would have sent me twelve notebooks if he could. He started the note with "Hello Gorgeous"... and drew me a flower at the bottom of the page.
The notebooks are great and i'll probaly just end up making them journals, thoughts, things that pop into my head, my feelings on certain songs, Tony's recent abandonment, you know- whatever just comes to me. It seems easier to type this stuff up here but i know there's something special about writing your things down on paper. My issue is just privacy but i'm hoping it doesn't have to become an issue. My thoughts are my own and regardless of wether or not there is a breach there, i'm still going to have the same thoughts brewing inside of me. Diaryland has kind of been my safety zone and my home since 2003 so in more ways than none, i'm fond of it even after so much time has passed. My friends don't write here any more (at least not religiously since we were like 17) but like the whole myspace craze, i don't go on and take a step to the right just because everyone else got bored. I don't have a FB and i don't plan to. People are deleting their myspace, go ahead. i'm not following you. why should i?
I think that's why people like me who have such complete opposite tastes in things, aren't really understood all that well. You get swept along on certain things but not all the way. You know where to stop. I'm happy if i can write and sing amazing songs and get inspired or be around people that make me feel alive inside. I'm still here because i choose to be.
I'll be here writing even when i'm 8 months pregnant.
It's nice to look back on your life, Where you've been, and where you never thought you'd end up 5 years before. When Myspace and FB end, i'll still have somewhere to write.

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posted on 2010-03-05 @ 1:35 p.m.