fly by night....yeah!
"There's this song that you play that i's so annoying!"

I looked at him and crossed my arms. 'here we go' i thought. 'he's going to criticize something'

He hummed the song because he didn't know the lyrics to it (obviously).

I recognized it. one of my favorites!
In fact, it was my favorite Rush song.

"Fly by Night" i said. Then i laughed hysterically.

"Really? You hate it?"

He nodded. He hated everything that i liked. In fact, it's his duty to call me lame and a loser on a daily basis (which he does.)

He knows i don't give a damn though.
that's just me. anyone that has something to say about anything i like knows where they can shove it.

He's my brother so i laugh it off.

"All the more reason for me to play the song, little brother!" i said to him.

He rolled his eyes.

Then i started to sing:

"Fly by night, away from here change my life again...Fly by night, goodbye my dear...My ship isn't coming and I just can't preteeeeeend!"

You either think i'm really interesting or that i'm just not that cool. Most people find me refreshing. I think to them, It's a nice rest from The Rap crap they listen to and be friends with someone that can't stop saying how awsome Steve Perry is. I think that's what bugs the creepazoid kid...

Hey, it worked with Tony. Now he listens to Journey everyday. ha. i win.

Rush stays.

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posted on 2010-02-01 @ 3:28 p.m.