When he Must...
So, some random guy at work handed me a piece of paper with his number on it.

He was tall... about 5'10
Very Cute.

I'm standing there with a whole mess of bras and he just comes up to me, doesn't say anything and just smiles at me and hands me the paper.
I go into the dressing room and open it.

it said: "you're gorgeous. call me." then it had his number.
He didn't even leave his name but i put the paper in my pocket.

I leaned against the dressing room wall for a good 5 minutes.
I didn't mention this to anyone and i haven't called him. I don't really like walk by's (especially when i have no name)

Still, it felt nice.
I kept wondering that day who right person for me was anyway, then i realized it's such a hassle to even think about. Love hasn't proven anything else but pain so far...so i should just focus on myself and wait it out.
The right one will come when he must. Only time will tell me who's right.

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posted on 2010-02-02 @ 3:27 p.m.