Truck days wear me out most of the time. This morning was no diffrent. I tried getting sleep -which usually works but i tend to wake up a few times a night just to see what time it is and how much more sleep i can get.
It just bothers me that Marlee is an idiot when it comes to making our schedules.
Seiously woman. 3 hours. gah. Got to work at 6 this morning and everyone's schedule said till 11 which in my opinion is a non realistic goal. As i was putting away my things in my locker, i was telling Derrick that it was going to be a miracle if we even got half way done in time.
If we remotely want to get this truck done by noon, we have to have everyone on dock and start at exactly 6 o'clock.

So, what happens when all our schedules say we punch out at 11 in the morning? By the time you turn around, half of them are gone and it takes twice as long to get all the boxes out of the truck. Stacy doesn't even switch me up...
she just wants me on fold duty all the time. The truck was huge and i knew that we weren't going to get done in time. Shamorrow was on fold with me and everyone else was on hang and the rest of the guys were on the other side dealing with home stuff.
I keep a great pace but today was ridiculous. I got fold till the last minute. Shamorrow left me at 11 because she said she had to go get her sister and let's face it...they've been slashing our hours this month so i was fine with staying longer.
Rule is, you can't leave till the truck is done...

I need Dakota even though he has a big mouth. Alfredo should have stayed and so should have Donelle. We need the guys to step it up because Stacy can't do it all on her own with me and Dianna and Kathleen.

I'm sore and a little exhausted. It does take alot out of me. I like truck but it wears me out. I just wish we had more people back there because then the process would go alot smoother and faster. I ended up staying till 12:30 and when i got home, i collapsed on my bed and fell asleep. I was chilly but i didn't feel like getting up for my blanket. I was too tired. Next time, Marlee should be more reasonable and logical with hours.

Dakota is right...
why spend 2 hours bullshitting when we could be doing the truck instead you know? Let the merch team take care of it.

My shower was needed afterwards. it just made me feel so much better.

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posted on 2010-01-25 @ 8:42 p.m.