too early for lovin'
I am completely unaware of the events that happened when i slept last night, all i know was that a few minutes before eleven in the morning i still wanted to remain in bed since i didn't have to go to work. I kept feeling a tingly sensation. was i aroused this early?
Why? Hell if i know.
Like i said, i don't know what i was dreaming about. I got up and went to the bathroom and my panties were...umm...yeah.
No memory what-so-ever.
Didn't care much. I've known for awhile now that i can pretty much get excited about anything, any kind of stimulation...even if it's mental.

"Ah, crap..", i said. I felt a little and yup. Right then and there i would had been good to go.
Still, after a few minutes i just forgot about it and the arousal-tingly sensation- wet thing that was happening down there was over.

It was too early and i wasn't in the mood to be this way even if my body was.

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posted on 2010-01-20 @ 1:07 p.m.