the one where relationships are so hard.
Relationships by themselves are hard work.
Add thousands of miles of distance? harder.
Now add what happened to us back in March and you've got a ticking bomb.
I'm just now really, really realizing how much what happened in March affected him.
To the point where his emotions died because he got so afraid of what else could possibly go wrong.I guess i understand but it doesn't stop it from hurting as much as it has been.
The answer to most of his worries lies with me making the trip to go see him which i am saving up for currently. The only concern is how my folks will react to it.
I'm sick of tiptoeing around people because they can't handle or accept the choices i make but there must be a part of me that really cares because if i didn't, i wouldn't be facing this dilemma.
I tell ya, i don't know why we are going through such hell but i am confident that if we can make it through this, we can make it through anything.
I miss him like crazy and I'm one sensitive emotion away from bursting into tears. i have held it in for so long, there's going to be a time where i won't be able to anymore.

I want to book my ticket and tell him we'll be okay again. i have to believe everything will get better. i need hope, even if things seem hopeless.

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posted on 2016-07-25 @ 10:37 p.m.