Day 2.
One of the things i expected to come with this drastic change in my eating habits, was of course... the headaches. I can feel the nagging pain on the right side of my head all the way down to the inside of my eye and it's a bitch.

I start my morning with a packet of fiber powder mixed with water. That's the one responsible for the gag reflex i mentioned on a previous entry. This is supposed to give you energy and stop hunger. I have to take 2 omega pills 2 times a day with meals. and 3 more pills before i go to bed. This is only days 1-3 for the most part. There's more rules to follow for the rest of the month.

I can handle this, however the annoying head aches that accompany this are not so great. I expect it though. You're cleaning out your system with better foods and vitamins. Your stomach is basically telling you it's not happy with what's going on but like all things, it will get used to the changes. Now that there are groceries in the house stocked with fruits and veggies galore, i can actually have a mid day snack - apple, grapes, pears or a handful of dried bananas (which by the way are delicious!)
I also have a fruit drink powder that i can add to any water bottle for a boost of energy. It tastes like Hawaiian Punch so that's great.

I've decided to be honest about this. I can't cheat because no one will suffer but me.
Harding says i look fine but i have gained some weight and i just don't feel right or attractive anymore and i don't want any of this to get out of hand to the point where i'd be so far gone that it would take me twice as long to lose weight.

I'm hanging in there.


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posted on 2013-02-05 @ 2:19 p.m.