Night Owl Part 2.
It looks like i am really going for the night owl haul tonight.
I devoured a movie called "Red State" with John Goodman which had me on the edge of my seat but also reminded me about how insanely fanatic some "Christians" are. No human compassion whatsoever and it occurred to me that that's one of the reasons people criticize us. There's a difference in not agreeing with something and just plain treating others like animals, like they don't deserve to live.

I also watched Godzilla, which i hadn't seen since 1998. Nice waltz down memory lane there. I'm through with television though.
It's amazing how much you veg out when you have more days off than usual. Being lazy only grants you a free pass to look unattractive. Since i'm really running out of make-up, i have to stop trying to look attractive that often.

I mostly likely will not have anyone to talk to for the next 3 or 4 hours.... because that's how long i estimate i will be awake, anxious and loaded up on classic rock.

Hooray for Insomnia.

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posted on 2012-11-09 @ 12:32 a.m.