The Day is Good.
I came home yesterday to find that Mom bought me this ice cream i had never heard of before...
It was so yummy. It's called Mocha Mudslide. She figured i would like it, and i did. So good.

Spent the day with Grams and mum at Uptown Village. The day was hot but we went to Charming Charlies and spent most of our time there. I love that store. Too bad i can't buy anything. It was tempting, trust me, but i know i can't spend. It was a nice outing even though i could only look and pine over all the nice things.

We also stopped by my work place because mom wanted to return some shoes and i ran into one of my managers, Andrea and she said hello to me.
She saw mom, smiled then said said: "Ohhhh, no wonder you're so pretty, Kenet"
I had to laugh.
Such a nice comment from her even though mom and i don't look alike. I only inherited certain things of hers...
the rest is all dad and his side of the family.

We're home now. Grams leaves Friday and i'm glad she's been here with us.
Good Day.


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posted on 2012-06-27 @ 9:32 p.m.