The Day is Good. |
I came home yesterday to find that Mom bought me this ice cream i had never heard of before... It was so yummy. It's called Mocha Mudslide. She figured i would like it, and i did. So good. Spent the day with Grams and mum at Uptown Village. The day was hot but we went to Charming Charlies and spent most of our time there. I love that store. Too bad i can't buy anything. It was tempting, trust me, but i know i can't spend. It was a nice outing even though i could only look and pine over all the nice things. We also stopped by my work place because mom wanted to return some shoes and i ran into one of my managers, Andrea and she said hello to me. We're home now. Grams leaves Friday and i'm glad she's been here with us. |
posted on 2012-06-27 @ 9:32 p.m. | |
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