Finally got to talk to Tyler last night. Great conversation. He's very easy to talk to. I think he understands alot of what i say and he's open which just makes my words flow simply but effectively. He's good people.
After getting off the phone with him, my nose started becoming congested. The weather is changing now, and that's taken a toll on some people. The chill is starting to settle which i like very much. It means it's really starting to feel like fall and i'm very close to bundling up with more blankets each night, and sweaters and light jackets when i go outside. I just wish that my body didn't have to pay the price for it.
It was a little hard to sleep, but i managed to get some decent rest. I've been sneezing, feeling the congestion and some pressure in my head.
Then i woke up suddenly. I was having a nightmare. I rarely ever have them but last night i woke up frightened. I sat up and hugged my legs. I was having that awful dream that i have a couple of times a year. I dream about Chucky, the Child's Play Doll. In my dream, i'm always afraid of the doll, but he seems to have an attachment towards me. He follows me around, but he still looks horrible, creepy. I pretend to be his friend but i'm secretly trying to get away from him and he always finds me. The dreams are always in different settings, but essentially are about the same thing. There was also some satanic feeling about the whole thing, and i really did feel afraid. I looked around the room. It was exactly 4:00a.m. on the clock then i turned on my television, and i texted Tyler. I figured he would be the one that could possibly be awake. He didn't respond until some time after 5:00a.m. but i did feel alot better.

Health-wise, i don't feel well. My nose feels stuffier and that fact alone makes me feel uncomfortable. Not sure if i'll be able to sleep tonight, but i'm glad that i am off work tomorrow.
I want to get better so i can start enjoying this weather.

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posted on 2011-10-05 @ 10:49 p.m.