Naked Truth.
The worse part of this 100+ degree weather is that summer hasn't ofically begun yet. I cannot stand getting into my car every day. It's so hot i want to burst. It takes a good five minutes for it to be only slightly bearable enough for me to drive the 20 minutes to work (depending on if i get green on every light) which is always nice.

Work was dare i say, kind of interesting today. You see all kinds of people and things when you work retail. I strike up conversations with complete strangers and suddenly we're laughing and i've only known them for 5 minutes. I get hissy fits and compliments and all kinds of stuff but today was diffrent. I hadn't even been at work for 5 minutes. I go in and make my fitting room check as always and since the remodel, we only have 2 fitting rooms, One handicap one that's big enough to host a small party, (seriously) and another small one just big enough for one person. I peek in and see a black woman sitting on the smaller fitting room, door open and everything just waiting. For me perhaps? I see her there with one of our Flexees body shapers "on" and she says:
"Oh, thank God. I had no one to help me, can you please help me?"
i nodd. I mean, it's not the first time i've had women ask me for help. Sometimes its because they have a condition or they don't know what brand they have but they've all possessed something this woman in particular didn't: Modesty.
She turns around and i pull on the straps. At first, i thought to myself: 'shit, this isn't going to hook.' and then i tried again, only this time pulling harder until i was able to hook her. I was scared because even though i got it to hook, it looked like if i let go, the thing would snap. After i got it to close, i asked her:
"Can you breathe? How does it feel?"
i thought she would tell the the damned thing was too tight or that she needed to get it off right away but to my surprise, she loved it. I looked her over and the cups that were supossed to support her breasts were umm, not doing that exactly. She got a Flexees with a B cup and her boobs looked like a D Cup. I didn't like how it looked but who was i to question her if she liked it? I asked her several times if she felt okay. She nodded and looked her herself. She was mostly thrilled with the fact that her tummy was flatt(er) but i wasn't convinced. Her tummy was the least of her worries.
She decides then that she's going to take it. I turn my back to her and continue to organize a rack of bras and sleepwear. I'm thinking she's closed the door to her fitting room to change back but to my surprise (and horror) her door is still open and she was completely and uber NAKED. Yeap, i kid you not. I saw her naked. All of her. Shocked (and trying hard not to laugh) i turn around ever-so quickly. With my back to her again, i tell her:
"Please close your door." but she was so care-free that she wasn't even paying attention to me or maybe she was just ignoring me. She kept her door open. I had to tell her again. Believe me, i wasn't shocked at her body parts. You're talking about an average woman here in her possible late 30's with breasts and a vagina big deal, (with the slight diffrence that she already had 4 kids and me being 23 have not had kids.
The thing that shocked me the most was the fact that she didn't care. I was a stranger, some random young woman to her, yet that didn't seem to phase her.
I think she even introduced herself to me and she even told me her name but i was still in awe to remember what it is now. One thing i did notice was that she had an accent so she might be from some country for all i know that isn't too worried about that kind of thing. Still, it made for an "interesting day". Ty laughed so much when i told him, and i also told one of my managers, Justin but his dumb ass just said: "Sweeeet..." i laughed. "You know i'm going to be scarred for life, right?", i said. He only laughed.

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posted on 2011-06-07 @ 12:43 a.m.