So, if everything goes as planned, i will see Journey in concert September 24th in Dallas.
Tony and I would be going together.

You know what? Maderita is coming too. If i can make it official that i am going, i think he would for sure come too, most likely with Benson. He'd do it too.
Can you believe it? All the way from Columbus just to spend time with me.
That's bold.
First time ever that someone is willing to spend money on a concert more than 1,000 miles away just to see it with me and see Journey of course. If everything settles right, it'll be one hell of a day.
It's still months away but Maderita was the one that sent me the text this morning letting me know they'd be in Dallas. Thank God for him. I asked Tony and he didn't hesitate to say yes to going with me. I'm excited. Seeing Journey, Seeing Maderita who'd be coming from Columbus just to see me.
I think he was just looking for the perfect excuse to come visit. What some couldn't do in 6 years, others are doing it in record time. Heh. Figures.

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posted on 2011-03-10 @ 12:27 a.m.