Hair & Woodbridge.
I turn my head to the right and i see a long cascade of brown hair. It smells like spring and i wish it was just now.
Can't imagine it being cut off like before. Not this time at least. I think all the other times i decided to, i was desperate for a change, like if i cut it off i'd feel like a diffrent person. I knew once i sat in that chair and the first snip was taken, i couldn't stop it from happening.
It feels right to keep it long this time. Believe it or not, it's not hard to manage. People ask me all the time and i know I DO have alot. Volume-wise & Length-wise but i think it sways well with me. It gives me a sense of security so i kind of know why some women cry when that security is taken away. I'd never cry though, but it would definately suck. I guess it's not that big of a deal because in a year, i can grow it out again no problem. That's how long it takes for me to get it back. I can cut it slightly above my shoulder and in one years time, its right down to my butt again. I like feeling it cover my entire back when i walk but what i'd most like would be to have a great guy go crazy over it, play with it and cover himself with it when we lay together.
***I just got off work not too long ago. It was quiet. I gave myself the luxury of two breaks (even though i wasn't supposed to take two) but i did anyway. I was trying to finish my book so i can start on the other one as soon as i'm done. It's taken me longer than usual to finish the one i'm currently reading but that's just because i've been working or sleeping or talking to friends. I'm in my bed right now, deciding if i should finish the book but in between typing, i'm also talking to Woodbridge and i'm sure by now he's probably at Circle K and he's going to be awake all night. He's good at keeping me awake. After i had that horrible nightmare & had no luck getting a response from Daniel, i sent him a text message hoping he was awake but it turns out that particular night he wasn't.
He's Good People. Awsome too and thanks to Lastfm, one of the best rockin' people. He's a keeper. & a Zombie apparently. Doesn't anybody sleep at night anymore? Heh.

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posted on 2011-01-22 @ 10:55 p.m.