Waking to Predictable Matters.
It was hard to sleep last night. Lately, i've been looking into this illuminati type business. Basically, this blogger uncovers hidden satanic/cult-like symbols in movies, songs and places and i have to say, i love reading his stuff. It makes sense, its well researched and logical. However, i don't want to submurge myself too much. The information intrigues me and i've learned that we have all been duped and made to look stupid.
The website is called www.vigilantcitizen.com
in case anyone happens upon this and would like to look into it.

*I'm drained and i didn't eat at all today. Marlee (my manager) was outside the door that leads out through the break room and was cooking burgers and hot dogs for all of us workers. I was starved so a burger would have been nice, but all i wanted to do was go home. "Bye Marlee", i said.
She smiled at me and said "You want something to eat? ive got burgers and hotdogs".
Before i could even think it through, i said i was fine and told her i was heading home. In the table that was in the break room was a viriety of chips and stuff to accompany the food and for a second i thought about going back to get a burger but then just settled for going home. I didn't sleep much and i was just tired.
Amanda's Big mouth didn't help much. She annoys the hell out of me, out of all of us. I don't know how she's one of the managers. We all just kept hoping she'd shut up. God, you'd think she'd actually work.

I don't like feeling so drained and i think i might start looking into taking something to boost up my energy.

*On a slightly more exciting note, i got a text from Tim this morning. I hadn't talked to him for a few days (mostly because i've been working alot and because i've felt tired) and when he sent me the text, he told me he was on a plane to Houston and from there, he was going to Korea. Yeah, i know. I was envious but mostly happy for him. He's traveling alone but i mean...it's Korea you know? He said he sent me a letter this morning before leaving and i'm looking forward to getting it. He saved up about $1000 to go and it took him awhile too but he did it. He didn't tell me how long he'd be there and i jokingly said he better not bring a Korean woman home and laughed.

I got the text while i was busting my butt working. I wish i could travel too. I don't like feeling like i go to bed and wake up knowing exactly how the next morning will unfold. I want spontinuity or i'd like a little of it at least. If i had plenty O' Cash, you can bet i'd travel... I'd go where i wanted for a change...alone...just by myself with no one telling me i shouldn't.

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posted on 2010-04-08 @ 8:10 p.m.