hello, its me.
I wonder why i eat my Oreos with Ice Tea.
Interesting combo, only yet some would find it disgusting and unreasonable.
I don't care.
I'm through with caring what others think these days.
I give this stare that would probably break you. It's the look i give when i'm seriously angry- and i rarely get angry...unless you give me something genuine to bitch about.
I can bitch, and it's a shame because i look pretty and innocent sometimes, but that's not true. I have this world.

My world is buried in 70's & 80's classic rock goodness. Music is my life and i breathe it in daily. I was born early because i couldn't wait to tell the world i was here.... August 26th, 1987 at the height of hair spray and Def Leppard. I always knew i'd be a rockin' chick.
I'd always thought i'd find my rockin' musical soul mate. We'd both love classic rock and we'd make love to Bon Jovi or Whitesnake or something. I remember being 10, closing my eyes and praying i'd find him as i sang "Can't fight this Feeling" in the car.

I haven't found anyone worth looking twice at in this town.
I've spent four years of my potential love life rejecting dates and it's not because i think i'm better, even though the guys always look at me like i'm supossed to feel guilty for saying no but because when i give you my heart, it's like i'm literally ripping it off my chest to give to you to keep...so you can't give away something that you don't have. So, sorry. For the time being i can't give out anything to anyone.
I don't want to be too sentimental about it either.
I had my first boyfriend when i was 14...disaster. He literally punched a locker when i dumped him and he got on his knees and begged me not to leave him. That was scary.

My Second boyfriend lived in Minnesota. i really liked him alot.
Somehow, i think i ended up a little scarred from that one. It took a long time to recover but i did it. The world didn't end and i didn't die even though i felt like it. Love is a Bitch, but then again, everyone knows that. I guess when your song is "Barely Breathing", you know your relationship is doomed.
I Cried and i Bitched, and i whinned and one day i woke up and it didn't hurt anymore.

If you tell a guy go and he takes the offer, yah, chances are, he didn't love you even if he says he always will. Thanks for that one Lockwood!

Now i don't know where i'm headed. It's a road i want to avoid taking because loving someone is great, but not too great when you cry 50% of the time.

Once you've had your heart broken 2 or 3 times, you're always on the guard. If i get dumped, or shut down, i can handle it better now. I won't kill myself, i won't become bitter and once again, the world won't end. This time around i've felt love embrace me more than in the past because i see it more seriously, i think: 'This could be the person i'd want to marry someday' so i don't sit around and play with people's emotions. If someone wants something with me, you better be looking for a girlfriend because i won't accept "friends with benefits". I just want what every one does. Everlasting Love. I'm not like every other person out there and yes, i do think there is more to life than a sexual relationship. I want to have a real genuine connection with a person, not just that we're so hot for eachother...now let's have sex 10 times.
I don't believe in coincidences, you know.
You meet people for a reason.

So, you know after being sr2005kse for almost 7 years, this is me. Kenny-loo.

It sounds prettier and more femenine than Kenet. That's another story entirely.

Some of my friends call me "Kenny" or just Ken. My best friend calls me "Hippie".

I'm 21....(almost 22...yay!)
I'm Klutzy.
When i like you, i won't stop talking.
I like to make silly faces while i'm eating.
I'm 5 foot 4....(i know.)
I hate everything that gets in the way of my left hand.
I sing in my sleep.
I write everything down on paper.
I think classical music is cool.
I watch cartoons more than anything else.
I like drinking water straight from the jug.
I write in english while i think in spanish.
I think fried chicken is gross.
i hate hot dogs.
If Steve Perry were available, i'd marry him in a second.
I'm rude with my facial expressions.
I like 3a.m. conversations.

I'm getting rid of my fears. I may not look like the stongest, but internally, i want to be like steel so some things won't break me down.
I want my past to stay behind this time. It's no use bringing it up. It's all gone.
Why hurt yourself again?
I love feeling like i can say what i feel. I used to hide it, but now, it's all out there.
I was only 15 when i started writing in this diaryland thing.
I did't want to, my friend begged me to get one because it was "cool" and "fun".
So, i signed up on February 16, 2003.
I just noticed that today.
See what i mean about not believing in coincidences?

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posted on 2009-07-08 @ 7:46 p.m.