snowy cold laziness.
What is it about snow and cold weather that makes some Texans so unprepared and moronic behind the wheel?

Also, ever since we've gotten so much cold and snow, all I've ever wanted to do is walk around without a bra and eat blueberry bagels and other various not so healthy foods. winter makes you feel like it's okay to gain weight in your pajamas and watch family feud all day.

i don't like that. i swear, i will stop being lazy and go to the gym on monday and i won't even mind D. giving me that 'you haven't come to the gym' look. i know. I've been bad at that these last two weeks.

it's easy to fall back into old food patterns once you get yourself a guy who thinks you're unbelievably hot in a bun and t-shirt. comfort level:100
but i won't let myself get back to that place again. I gave my boyfriend my Boston T-shirt before he left. I did have a band tshirt phase in which I'd get them three times my actual size even when i was much heavier. Now that shirt swims on my body but looks so great on him. He's always wearing it and refuses to wash the smell of me out of it. that's so sweet. i felt the same way about one of his t-shirts. when i got it, it smelled (i figured) like his house and eventually the smell went away when it got washed. When he arrived at DFW that Friday and i got on my tipy toes to hug him, that same smell was on his clothes and my sense of smell went crazy. i remembered it perfectly. sometimes we'd be sitting on the couch and he would be eating an Oreo or something and I'd just lean over and kiss his shoulder, arm, hand... whatever i could reach and I'd smell him. I'd kiss his hand and he would laugh because i told him i wanted to memorize every part of him.

I guess I'm ready for warmer weather and getting back into gym mode.

but... for now being lazy is just too tempting. it's way too cold and snowy to exist outside.

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posted on 2015-02-27 @ 8:39 p.m.