
Why does he always have to ruin things with his words?
He wilts whatever happiness i manage to have.

Why can't he just be good to me and forget about this shit for one night?

Doesn't he know that all i want is for him love me, want me, need ME? Is that so stupidly illogical of me to ask? Is it too much?

But he still doesn't get it... and he won't because that's what happens when you really want something the way he wants me but still wants to keep himself free and his options open.

When am i going to learn that i'm just a stupid distraction until he finds someone better?

I'm not letting this harbor a space in my heart anymore. I'm Going to release it to God, let Him take care of it, cause I've had enough.

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posted on 2013-01-28 @ 11:38 a.m.