Runaway Bride
Everything is a mess in the Elizondo-Ponce Family. If i could even begin to tell you, but i'll just get the shorter version out of the way.

1. Tomorrow, Sandy has to sign the contract and give half the money for the Hilton

2. Rox's Fiancee wants to postpone the wedding because his mother can't cross the border and insists that they get married in Mexico

3. Rox is crying, stressed.

4. Rox's Mom (my aunt) has been 1000 times sentimental because of the wedding.

5. Daniela is going to get 6,000 pesos from her dad (who is my dad's brother) for Christmas and and my aunt wants to use some of that money so they can make the 8-10 hour drive to Dallas. Daniela refuses to give any money to them because she says it's not fair; that that is HER money.

6. My aunt is convincing her to give in/ borrowing money so they can all make it here.

7. Rox is on the phone with my mother crying because she doesn't know what to do. She wants to go back to Mexico for a few days to talk to her mom, but we're all fearful because once she's over there, she might not want to go back to Dallas.

8. Everything is almost ready. Presents have been bought, papers are almost signed. We have one more day, then if we sign and give the money, some of it (i'm told) will be lost and Rox asked many family members to help out money-wise and if there's going to be no wedding, she'd have to find a way to pay everyone back.

9. Rox would be losing another year of school. She should of graduated highschool in May 2011 but as of now, because the school system is different in Mexico than it is here, when she goes to a U.S. high school, they bring her down a couple of grades so she can acquire the necessary credits to earn a high school diploma, so she's technically a Sophomore at 19 years old. If she leaves now, she'll lose another shot at getting her diploma.

10. My maternal grandmother, who hasn't been the same (emotionally speaking) since her cerebral aneurysm, is watching all of the drama unfold and is worried.

11. Daniela has just been at war zone with my aunt both with regards to the wedding and personal issues they have had with eachother since her mom divorced her dad (who i stated before was my dad's brother) and re-married.

***It's too much to take in. It'll be a miracle if we can get everyone here. If this wedding happens will be a miracle in its self. I just can't stand it.

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posted on 2011-11-16 @ 4:26 p.m.