I'll be glad when I'm gone.
Days like today remind me just how much i want to leave that place and how glad i am to have an interview coming up.
I get so tired of looking at some of these people's faces. it really just makes me want to give them a piece of my mind and i feel like some of them deserve it. In the end even if they do, i come to the conclusion that it's just not worth it.
It's not that i even consider them my enemies, because i don't think I've even truly hated someone but my dislike for a particular person i work with has gotten all my negative emotions to collide. I've kept myself restrained but i think that even though I've never said anything mean to this person, you can sort of feel that they know somehow you don't tolerate them...
Like when you just have a feeling and you can't put your finger on why you can't ever seem to like a certain person. Usually, my theory has been that this person might have bad mouthed you a time or two and something inside of you just knows and that's where that detachment comes from.

This person rude, unprofessional, mean, lazy and entitled just because she became friends with one of the managers. I see others genuinely like her and for the life of me, i don't see how. Maybe they're fake and pretend like a lot of people do. i wouldn't be surprised. You don't know who is really on your side anymore.

I'll be so glad when i won't have to see her or witness management overlooking her obvious weak spots. I'm so ready for change.

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posted on 2015-10-13 @ 4:05 p.m.