Not ready.
Not ready for the 3 overnights in a row starting tonight. i usually don't do them. this will be my first in the 5+ years and the only reason I'm doing them is because i can't say no to money and the schedule was already mqde. It'll mess up my sleep but it will be fine.

Not ready for Hernan and Lety either. I hope it all goes on quickly so i don't have to worry about all of them for at least another year.
Hopefully I'll see my Fabián again before another visit from those people.

I can't wait to see him and hold him. I hope not to get sick next time like i did in January.
..and even though i know there will not be a ring, something inside of me is saying i shouldn't have such resignation that it won't happen. In any case, someone is going to have to budge in this family because we're in love, together with no reason to break up. he will start school and pay for it but that means he can't save up to come see me anymore. That responsibility will fall on me and i should step up like he has.
I hope God moves some hearts around here.
he's my happiness and if something goes wrong, i know exactly who to blame.

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posted on 2015-08-01 @ 1:22 p.m.