Like Mary Shelley.
You know those people you hear about that have these dreams that turn out to be life changing?

Like Mary Shelley with Frankenstein. She was able to recall parts of that dream and write down the basic idea, then simply add on to the story.

A dream about an invention down to prototype, then made reality.

Or maybe just people who happen to be at the right place at the right time.
Those waitresses who get tipped thousands...
those people who get offered jobs because they just happened to chat up the seemingly random guy who turns out to be some CEO.
It happens...and stuff like this IS happening now out there but well, not to me.

I wish i had an idea, a dream, met a compassionate stranger.

Cause i think that if i ever found myself with the means to help someone, i would because i know what it was like to be scared to check your bank account or figure out how your bills would be paid and still have enough left over for next month...and maybe I'd be TOO nice if i gave those chances to people but I'd be happy I gave someone a chance at something.
People need that during these times. It's tough out there and my hope is that those people who received, would do something nice for someone else at one point.

Just a thought.

**** 12:12a.m.

Yes, i am still awake... and i just signed up to be an Online Juror. Yeah... i didn't even know that was a thing and that you can actually get paid for it. Did a few google searches and it popped up. Of course to get paid, there has to be people looking for your opinion on actual cases and using the website in your county. so yes, you can only give your opinion of cases in your county and if nothing comes up, there is no case and no money.If something comes up, you get notified by email, get invited to answer questions honestly -there is no right of wrong answer- and once you finish, you get paid and your check is in the mail. depending on how long the case is as well determines your pay. It might not be a guarantee but at least I'm attempting to look for ways to make some extra cash while i work and look for another job. i get credit for that, right?

Anyway, I should sleep now. I've got church in the morning.

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posted on 2015-03-14 @ 10:28 p.m.