doubters and believers.
I know that if i sit here and take to heart everyone's opinion about things in my life or choices that i make, i will always have my feelings hurt.

earlier i had some friends comment on a photo of me on facebook where i am puckering my lips. i took it about two months ago and just then posted it on my wall. i got the usual positive comments from friends but a couple of comments made by one stood out.
I've actually known her since i was 17. We used to go to the same church years ago. It was a small church run by pastors from Chile. we left their church in 2005 but would over the years see Elva and her husband and daughters since my folks have another couple as friends in common.
Well Elva pointed out that i was pretty and that i could have any guy i wanted.

(sidenote: i don't known if she even was aware that i am in a relationship because Fabi�n is pretty much always leaving me cute posts about how much he loves me so i figured people assumed if they didn't already know directly from me.)

I informed her in the comments that i already had a love and that he would be here in January to which she said: "What he's not here? Oh no. ... long distance relationships no Bueno"

I'm thinking to myself: uhhhh... first of all, the term long distance relationship doesn't automatically mean that something negative is attached to it. things are different now. we are living in the land of skype, texting and apps.
i don't get why some people always assume that something negative will come about.
not every experience with relationships like this end badly. i can tell you honestly that i have a had more love and respect being with him even with the distance than with any asshole i tried dating here where i am.

Also keeping an open mind as well as that we obviously don't intend to be long distance forever. This is for the time being ONLY.

When you don't know the situation, its easy to judge and say it's not good. How do you know? and that's the thing: You don't. it's common sense though, right?
why would you say that a long distance relationship is not good to someone who is in one and obviously in love? like that comment is going to change my mind/feelings.
These kind of relationships are already challenging enough without people putting in their two cents.
My thought is: if you're not going to be supportive, don't say anything because it's not helping us.
Concern is one thing, which i am already dealing with and have to put up with when it comes to my parents and relatives.
Guess what? I am aware that it's hard. we both are. We went into this knowing it wasn't going to be easy. he is working long hours and sacrificing sleep, time to save his money to come spend his vacation here. he is amazing and wonderful and the most amazing boyfriend in this world. people see me as wise and level headed and with good judgement so why can't [some] people just trust my choice? trust me.

Fabi�n read her comment and said: "Veo comentarios anti-progresivos"
which basically means he's noticing her comments as non progressive, or supportive.
It wasn't like i was going to argue or defend my point. people who don't want to understand and just assume are people i don't have to or want to convince of anything.
I just simply said to Fabi...
"you know what my immediate thought is when i hear/see people express doubt in what we have?....
I can't wait to prove you wrong"

Of course it did bug me, otherwise i wouldn't be venting about it but this is the kind of thing i want to document so that when i look back on it, it will remind me of all i had to gain from this experience.
Some things really make me sensitive, especially when it comes to what i care about most. Love doesn't come easy to everyone and it most certainly didn't for me. i had to work harder than most people to find love because i knew i couldn't just end up with any random guy. i knew he had to be special.... the kind of special that could love all my quirks and the tiny things that compose my entire sense of self. i had to cry myself to sleep wondering if someone could ever love me completely and forever, so when someone belittles something that took me so long to have... something that i treasure....i get upset. it's my right.

i guess as long as there's a believer, there's a doubter lurking somewhere.

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posted on 2014-09-27 @ 11:29 p.m.