My Stupid Heart.
My boyfriend finally went to bed because i forced him to. I pretty much always force him. He never wants to say goodbye. He looks at me sometimes and doesn't say a single word then tells me he thinks i'm the most beautiful thing he's ever seen.

He cries because he says he's never been this happy and that he's the luckiest person alive because he's positive i'm every man's dream.
We tend to have discussions about that. I differ in opinion about being 'every man's dream'. I was alone for a long,long time and despite being somewhat 'ideal' for some guys, it never turned into anything. It was all mid-air, half breath, half assed. I never got to the finish line with any of them. I'd like to say that i wasted my time just to make myself feel better but i kinda didn't. I chose to waste my time whether it turned out in my favor or not, cause at least i tried for something. I genuinely tried and that is what always prevented me from giving up on love on feeling bad for myself in the end.
I think i just failed to realize that i shouldn't have to wait around or convince some guy that he should be with me or that i'm the best choice for him, even while just starting out in the dating pool. I never was and still not the kind of person who liked dating guy to guy or sleeping around while i figured it out. I always liked to take my time getting to know who they were inside before i decided if they were going to date me and be serious.

I know, i should smack myself in the arm for that last statement only because when i was so stupidly in love the last time, i waited an eternity. i clung to dear life into my early 20's to morph that roller coaster of a 'are we, aren't we together casual- not casual disaster i had into a relationship. I knew better, i DID. In spite of my stupid brain, i wanted to go with my heart on that one and that's why i crashed and burned. I should of walked ages ago but didn't and i take blame. It was my stupid heart. I would of done the same if given another shot because... again... stupid heart.
Even so, i just wanted happiness. Sue me. I wanted that forever relationship that would turn into marriage and sex and babies. Fights and make-ups. All of it, but with someone who would get me and my dumb humor, my singing, my insecurities and love of everything other people might find outdated or boring.

He is stupid-crazy about me. I see it in his eyes. Then his voice goes low when he says he never wants to lose me and just before the night is over, he would have already asked me to marry him twenty times.

That kind of love is hard come by. I got a keeper here and i'm never letting him go.

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posted on 2014-01-10 @ 9:18 p.m.