Currently Listening:
Track: Somewhere Tonight
Artist: Toto
Album: Fahrenheit

"Your face..." she says as she's grabbing it gently with both her hands.

I turn around moments later to leave. She places both her hands on my waist. "So tiny..."

I laugh because i'm ticklish when people touch me certain places and because sometimes i still can't grasp the idea that they call me "skinny".

I know i will never be REALLY skinny. I'm Spanish. We always have curves and stuff. That stuff doesn't go away. Not that i want it to. I enjoy some of my body parts even if i was always nagging about hating something about myself.

I want to be the best person i can be, for myself, and secondly or someone that will love my body. When i get into a relationship with someone (whoever that may be)i also want them to be happy with what they see. I think women absolutely love it when someone we love loves every inch of our bodies or finds us sexy.

It's getting there. My clothes are bigger on me now even when i've already cleaned out my closet. My boobs are still pretty full though. They only went down a little (figures.) but i'm fine with it i guess. By the time the real heat shows up, i'll be feeling much better if i keep up this track.

Ash and i were talking about re-vising the idea to go to Chicago. It was something we had been talking about for awhile last year then for reason just dropped the idea when money was an issue. There was also an idea to go straight up I-35 and go up as far as Minnesota stopping anywhere we wanted in between. I spent most of my work day yesterday texting her about it. I still got my work load done but hid most of the time in my fitting rooms. It's something we're going to have to discuss at length in person whenever i see her.

For now it's just a bunch of stringy mess. We'll smooth out things soon enough. For now, we just have to save.


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posted on 2013-03-28 @ 11:17 a.m.