I'm still trying to process yesterday and no matter how many times i go back, i can't figure it out. I can only guess.

The last thing he said was that he was a bit down and stressed. 'Relationship Junk' he called it. I reassured him that he could always call or write, me being the good, naive and unsuspecting friend and all. He said thanks and i told him i'd message him later to make sure he was okay.

Before that, i slept for an hour, had an appointment at H&R Block, and needed gas. I lounged around in bed then checked my phone which had been in my bag. I get a text from him saying to never speak to him again, that he was blocking me, my number and that he would pretend that he never knew me.

I was completely blindsided. I didn't see this coming... again. I had done nothing wrong, so you can imagine my shock. My heart pounded inside my chest and just as he had said, i was blocked absolutely everywhere so i wouldn't even be able to ask what the hell was going on. Here's my best guess....

I stated in a previous entry before that his girlfriend EvilGirl doesn't like me. She tried to pretend like she did but ended up doing a horrible job. I can read certain people because they're just that transparent and she was an easy one for me. So, i assumed that all that relationship junk and stress was being caused by her putting pressure on him to stop talking to me all together. Why? Because she's jealous. Jealous that i am friends with her boyfriend. Jealous because she's as big as a whale and probably insecure with herself.

I bet they fought. I bet she gave him a final ultimatum. Her or me.

I guess it was me.

Pretending someone doesn't exist and that you never knew them is fine in the beginning, assuming you are just plain stupid or fucking Dory from Finding Nemo but you can only do that for so long. You can't forget someone like that. Especially the way he did things... so cowardly and without an explanation.

Well fuck, he didn't give me one most likely because he didn't have one. Because he probably couldn't face telling me that his bitch just plain couldn't hold her anger and discomfort any longer and wanted me gone for good.

Of course, i'm only just hunching here. These are just theories. That's the best i could come up with considering that only a few hours prior, we talked just fine and then like some bad bipolar disorder, this comes about. I didn't get it at first. I was confused, stunned.

I didn't think a woman could be so disgustingly evil and that insecure. Worst part is, he thinks she's the shit. "Thank GOD i have her," he'd say and i just plain didn't get it. I would of been able to admit in the secrecy of my own diary if she was any good for him or just any good herself but i never saw it. I knew she was bat shit crazy but he wouldn't see it. Still doesn't.

You know, and i hope... -You have no idea how badly i hope- that he'll see it someday. I hope it slaps him coldly in the face.

They say the best revenge is to be happy, move on and come out like a champ. Do absolutely nothing and let everything align the way it's supposed to. Time will take care of things. If there is a God, he will do me fair justice and then i'll see him come back to me like some foolish idiot.

I'm not waiting for it to happen. I'm not ever expecting anything from him. No apologies, no guilt. Nothing. He will consume his own self and i will be happy.

Good Riddance.

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posted on 2013-02-10 @ 1:53 a.m.