Adding the Enemy.
After sending Tyler the most peace offering message, i get a friend request from him on Facebook. I was surprised (a little) then kind of not. In the message i said things like:

"When all is said and done, i just want you to know that no matter what happens or what choice you end up making (for the betterment of you) that i will not question it, i will not hold it against you or her. I understand that you want to keep the peace and happiness and i would never want to ruin it for you."

And: " If at any point in time she changes her mind and wishes to message me anyway, she can. I am open to that."

That doesn't mean i still don't think she's a witch but keep in mind that i'm not doing this for her, but for him and because i just don't want to deal with this bullshit anymore. So i guess that might of prompted him to tell her about my message and finally get her to agree to something. What [that something] is, hell if i know. Minutes later, surprise... surprise, i also get a friend request from her... EvilGirl. I got two little presents in less than an hour. Maybe this is her attempt at saying "Yo, i can be mature about this too..." and since i went all mushy and made peace, i mean the chick kinda had no choice but try too, right? Lest she look bad. By no means do i think she's remotely sincere. I think her attempt to try to be Facebook friends with me is not to establish a relationship but rather to spy her ass off. Keep in mind i'm smart enough to know that... so i accepted her request. We're not going to become buddies, God save me from that but you have to give it up to the girl for 'keeping her enemies close' and like it or not, i think i'm still kind of a threat to her. I really don't care what she does, or how much she spies. For all know she's probably scrolling down as far as she can though my profile, looking at my pictures, comments to find out what Ty had found to earth-shattering fascinating about me. I know she will. She already tried sending one of her stupid friends to add me on Facebook so she could look though it and of course, when you make such a dumbass move...well... you know. Her spying something i come to expect.

Like i said, i'm not doing this for EvilGirl. Her and i will never be close to friends. Tyler is the one i want to keep peace with and if i have to endure his witch of a girlfriend, then i will do so. Maybe this way she will stop being annoyingly insecure and actually grow a vagina and be a real woman about this situation. I don't want to rock the boat by pretending that things are peachy between all of us. It takes time to mend a broken friendship... especially because the cause of all of this is now sitting pretty on my friends list.

As one woman to another, i can sympathize with her, her fear of losing but that still doesn't give her the right to do what she did. He seems to think now that it did have to come down to this, to him choosing between sending one to take a hike and keep the other but i disagree on that. It never had to come to that and i will always stand up for that thought. He probably felt like if it didn't come down to that, that he'd be conflicted and in danger.

I'll tell you one thing, this adding her as as friend on Facebook should make for an interesting time. Ha.

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posted on 2013-01-10 @ 11:58 p.m.