Trouble Brewing.
It was a long day of working today. I went over my scheduled time, but finished right along with the rest of my team. A few extra hours doesn't hurt.
David sent me text messages throughout the morning. I did him the favor of putting one of those coffee brewers on hold for him. I had 35% off plus an extra 25% if the item is 100 dollars or more.

I went for the brewer last night but upon finding out about the extra percentage, i put the brewer and a coat for me on hold. I forgot that you had to print out the coupon for the 25% but a woman i work with was kind enough to let me use her smart phone. I had the money all counted in my bag but then David decided that he wanted the little flavored coffee cups. I called him up, told him the prices and got him three different boxes of flavors which meant more money. Good thing i had extra. I was tired then groaned when i saw the line. David was driving me up the wall with his texts. I had everything under control but he wanted to pay as less as he possibly could. The brewer was $240.00 but was on sale for %180.00 plus all my discounts.

The problem was that once i got to the front of the line, stupid Marjorie was my cashier. She fought me on the associate discount because i didn't print out the paper with the bar code. All she had to do was type in my I.D. number, turn a key on her machine and that was all there was to it. I put my hand on my forehead. Oii!

"Dammit Marjorie, don't fight me on this. Give me the discount. I have the okay from Andrea. She did this for me last night so don't tell me you can't do it..."

- "I don't care what Andrea does. She can do whatever she wants"

The argument lasted a mere two minutes before she gave in and gave me the discount. Dumb hag. She makes things difficult for the sake of making them difficult. When i presented her with the phone for the extra 25%, she spit more venom in my direction.

"What's this?", she asked.
-"It's an extra 25% off the purchase when you buy an item for 100 or more. I folded my arms and waited.

"You have to have a Kohl's charge to use this."

-"No, you don't. I asked Debbie about it this morning and she said you don't have to use it. It's a FREE PASS which means you can pay cash."

"Well... i have different information. I was told you DID have to have one."

I rolled my eyes. Holy Fuck. I was about to forget how old she was.

"Stop questioning me. If i said Debbie and Andrea told me yes, then that means yes"

Miss Mary heard her and told her that i was right, so she had to give me the extra percent off. Debbie (who is one of a few managers) saw my rant on Facebook and she told me she couldn't believe Marjorie did that. She said i could of called her but i was too tired and angry at this woman for acting like a frigid bitch that i didn't think to call her.
She told me i shouldn't have dealt with all of that alone and that she'd talk to Marjorie about it.

I had my regular bag with my car keys, wallet in one hand, another with the coat and the flavor coffee cups and somehow managed to carry the heavy box with the brewer all the way to my car without injuring myself. I figured out all the discounts with my mom as soon as i got home for David the next time. The gift is for Sandy. She wanted one of those fancy machines for coffee and i did David the favor of getting it cheaper for him. He thanked me for my trouble.

"Thanks for everything Kenny!", he said.
Dealing with Marjorie was a hassle but i did it for Sandy.

Here's to hoping that woman gets a good scolding.
I shouldn't have to deal with shit like this.

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posted on 2012-11-29 @ 11:46 p.m.