Another Failed Outcome.
Tim said he would let me know what time he was driving through tomorrow so we could meet up.

So why do i have the familiar feeling he's not going to call me or text me at all to let me know?

Because some kind of SOMETHING always goes wrong and because i'm me and as history loves to do, things hardly pan out when it comes to something i really want. Or just certain random things. To the average, it's child's play but me? I'm not average... therefore, the difficulty level of relatively easy tasks multiply by a million in my case making the odds that much higher.

It could also mean he's scared to see me and wet his pants. Remember, someone once told me i was intimidating to come up to, talk to or apparently just look at because well, according to one other person who was kind enough to let me know, they don't want to get rejected or looked at by me because i'm flawless. Right.

I'd like to believe this shit so let's pretend that i actually do. I'd like to take a stab at it and put on the pair of eyes they use to see me. It would give me a lot of insight as to what 'perfection' they are referring to or how i act... which in all honesty is sometimes too nice for my own good, but very, very approachable. I'd like to see myself as they see me. So, no matter how regular i might see myself as, i'm TOO intimidating to everyone else.

Which means, i can never even hope to get laid someday because no one can be in the same room with me without feeling inadequate.


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posted on 2012-11-28 @ 2:58 p.m.