A Tank of Gas.
You can't always expect certain people to be the same with you that you are with them. I've sad that a lot, i know.

Sunday i told the sibling that i finally figured out what i wanted for my birthday -since he offered- and when i laughed, poking fun at him a bit, he rolled his eyes...
-possibly at the thought of having to spend money on me- and his lukewarm response was "what do you want?"

Before he even gave me the chance to answer, he said "I'll buy you a full tank of gas"

Ah, Fuck. Really?

"Would you like me to remind you that i took the time to think about something YOU would like... and not just that. I nearly went broke trying to buy you something you'd enjoy to make sure you had a special birthday. A tank of gas? that's what you think i'm worth?"

- "I don't know what you like..."

"Well, who's fault is THAT?"

I give up on people.
I just do.

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posted on 2012-09-18 @ 7:04 p.m.