Naked Truth.
Ah, so much for my "diet". Fuck. I'm usually so committed to stuff like this, but i think i lost the motivation somewhere along the way.
I'm feeling slight insecurity, then some days i feel okay about things. I don't obsess about it but when i DO look at myself in the mirror, i say "Ah, damn... i wish i had less of that"
It's not so much me having a problem with myself as much as me fearing i am not attractive enough or that somebody, some guy might not think i am attractive enough naked. Does that make sense?
It's not like i have that problem right now, i mean i'm not dating anyone but i'd like to at least think that you know, at some point when it does happen, that no matter what, i'd feel good about myself and he likes me.

I never really thought about it so hard core before. I think that i'm just now realizing that's what's going on. My body issue has to do with looking good enough to whomever i end up having sex with. Well, first of all,when i have sex, it will be with someone i know i already love and trust enough to give my body to... Sooo.. wouldn't that mean he wouldn't give a crap about however i might look like or if i'm good looking enough err right?

I don't know.
I'll just leave it at that for now.

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posted on 2012-08-13 @ 8:22 p.m.