And if you're wondering what this song is leading to...
I don't like driving in the rain, but luckily it wasn't so rough out there that i couldn't see the road. I came home, undressed and let my hair go from the bun it was in and felt a lot better once i got comfortable. The rain didn't stop for a good while. It thundered loudly and poured roughly. It went on well into the night but i didn't have to get up early the next day. I work another short shift tonight and i am off Friday.
Saturday though, i'm not looking forward to work. I have a Noon to 9:30 shift that will surely kill me.

I haven't scrobbled any tunes and i'm still on a 70's soft rock kick.
I'll listen to some music tonight, relax and be alone.

So, here's a song i love by one of my favorite 70's bands Bread.

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posted on 2012-06-07 @ 1:30 p.m.