Those Innocent Ones
TWood is supposed to call me later tonight. I'm almost certain he doesn't live with Benson anymore. In fact, i'm certain they had a fight and he moved out. It's probably Mall's fault. I'm dying to ask him and i'm sure he'll tell me. He needs someone to spill the beans to. He said he had lost a couple of friends but i never imagined one of them would be him. It seemed like nothing could tear them apart, but apparently i was wrong.
What else could it be if not Mall-Hill's fault?
She looks like a harmless little big eyed martyr but even those innocent ones can harbor a manipulative nature too.
Look what she did to me and him. She almost permanently ruined a pretty kick ass friendship. I still say he's a whipped idiot but if i find out it was all her fault, i'm going to yell at him.
He deserves it for letting her take up so much space and for letting her come between him and Benson.

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posted on 2012-05-20 @ 8:02 p.m.