Wishing you the Worst.
In the past month, i've managed to lose two friends, get one back, and lose the other -this time- for good.
How do i get myself into these situations?

I'm not going to lie, i cried. badly. But then again, i got the last word in and i gave it to him good. Sure, i lost $40.00 in the process but it doesn't matter anymore.

The only satisfaction i get, is knowing that one day (hopefully soon) TWood will crash and burn. I'm certainly hoping for it.

I don't care about being nice, at all.
As far as i'm concerned, he no longer exists but you can bet your ass he will always remember me. That i know. He'll remember me good the day he ends up alone again and third wheeling with Dave.

No one hurts me and gets away with it, and believe me it won't be from my doing. God is much greater.

So Remember this day, TWood.

Fortunately, Things with N-Lav are good again and he's honestly such an amazing friend for even recognizing and regretting the decision he had made. So, i gave him the chance to prove it and he wants to be in my life. He made it clear. So, i might of lost who i thought was a "friend" but ended up being a coward, loser, pathetic excuse for a person...but i got back someone whom i hope will not let me down the same way again. Yeah, i know people aren't perfect, there's always the possibility of being disappointed, but i certainly hope that the reason why there was a rip between N-Lav and i doesn't repeat again.

It's a never-ending search, i know but i'm finding out more and more who i need to kick out of my life and i can't wait to erase TWood out of my brain for good. I want to forget he even exists. I should be the "good christian" and wish him well, but i don't wish him well at all. I wish him to feel what i felt today when i cried to no end. I'm being honest, and there's nothing i'd love more than to see him end up alone.
That is my wish, and i'm sticking by it.
End of Story.

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posted on 2012-02-15 @ 11:19 p.m.