Baby Steps.
Baby Steps with K.L. but i think this is the way it's supposed to happen. She mentioned me in a simple post that's going around Facebook in which you give someone an age and they say things that were going on in their lives at the time. She got age 18 and she mentioned me as one of her best friends. A.N. has gotten some of those and has not mentioned me as one when we were in fact the best of friends, but it doesn't hut me. I understand where that's coming from but i'm glad at least K.L. has been easiest to talk to. I know A.N. will come around. I love her just as much.
So, i'm anxious to start reading Codependent No More. In fact, i'm sure it'll give me some light bulb moments that i'm looking forward to discover. I decided that when i start the book, that i am going to write entries about specific paragraphs that speak to me and i'm going to post them here. Chapter by Chapter.

Like Say, Chapter One: Spoke to me so and so...

I want to finish Wolff's biography first, then i can get started on this book. I read some of it last night but i had an early work day and i didn't sleep after coming home & by night-fall i was so, so tired. I fell asleep around 1:00a.m. and i slept until noon today but that's okay because today is my day off. I've got some stuff to clean around the house though that i need to get to soon but other than that, it's a nice day.


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posted on 2011-09-20 @ 3:38 p.m.