Hate that Lady.
Driving home, i noticed insane amounts of lightning. Ah, Damn. Finally. I was beginning to think God forgot about this state, but it's coming down hard i suppose and i can't wait for it.
I just got home from work and i have to be back again tomorrow at 6 a.m.
Whoever comes up with the schedules is an idiot. Wait, what am i saying! M-Tosh IS an idiot. ha. end of story.
Marjorie was being a pain in the ass today. Not that it's anything unusual. I just hate people like her trying to inform me of things i already know. She came up to me while i was busy and putting stuff away that i was on backup from 4-6 (as if i didn't already know.
"Yeah, Marjorie i know. I took care of that"
- "So, you're on the register?"
"No. I talked to Mandee and she said it was fine...that she'd take care of it", i said.
By this time i was already annoyed. I walked off in the other direction and she followed me. She has that annoying way of pissing people off on a regular basis. Me walking away signifies the end of a conversation but i guess she doesn't know that.
"So, you're not going to be on the register...EVER?"

I let out a long sigh and turned to face her. "Majorie. Listen. I told you. I saw the sheet, i called Mandee and she said it was fine. I'm not on the register. you and i?...we've been over this an infinity amounts so don't act like you don't know. I already had a conversation with Andrea about this. Don't worry about it, go on about your business. I have work to get done"

She stood there half looking at the ground and then at me. I walked away and left her standing there until she snapped back and walked off. After i cooled off, i texted Riley.
'When you get here, Please keep me from KILLING Marjorie'
He laughed. I saw him a short time later, talked a little and gave him one of my favorite Mexican candies to try. It was funny watching him make those faces. The candy is somewhat sour, but very yummy.

I'm waiting on mom to get home. She said she'd bring me something to eat.

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posted on 2011-09-18 @ 8:59 p.m.