Road Test.
I waited for two hours just sitting there. Most nerve wrecking thing in the world and for all that, it only lasted about 5 minutes. I cried in the safety of my own bathroom. I felt lame for that but i needed to let out the dissapointment. I wanted to get things done today. I wanted to have that sense of relief that comes with knowing that i got it over with and that i'd never have to worry about it again. Now if i want to beat this, i'm going to have to re-visit that same tense feeling of throwing up. She was a bitch. Most people that go through that experience will 100% agree but really? It's not the falure that made me cry, but how quickly it ended as if i was endangering anyone (which i wasn't.) and as i was crying, feeling stupid all at the same time i also thought 'why am i even bothering doing this?'
But, i guess we tend to cry, bitch, and moan about the things we care for the most. If i trully did not care, i would of shrugged it off but my lame crying is a sign that i want to conquer it and that i just want to do my best, so i guess i owe it to myself to try harder, try better and show that bitch that i belong on the road. Dad didn't let me give up, which i kind of wanted to do in a way or at least for the rest of the day. He took me back and i drove the same route 3 times showing him where i might of gone wrong. I admit during the testing, my nerves got the best of me from beggining to end. Dad is good at making me feel relaxed when i drive so it almost makes me wish he would of been with me during the whole thing. Face it: it takes a good 2 days to mentally recover and i need that so i'm getting that.
If you're reading this, I'd sure like to hear about your road test
experience(s) so leave me a note. I'd like a little more peace of mind before i go back for my second try.

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posted on 2011-04-13 @ 8:31 p.m.