You Saw Danger.
He sent me a text message. thought it would take him much longer but apparently not. It's funny how things go. When i used to miss his absense so much, he wouldn't talk to me for months. It would ache inside and the desperation i'd feel for not being able to do anything made me sad.
And now?....
Now that i am a stronger person, now that i don't cry, now that i can manage fine and not feel like the world is crashing down (even though it still sucks when he doesn't talk to me) and now that i've dealt better is when he's come around faster.

Those things that i forgot to tell him 2 days ago, i made sure i said to him now. I told him i had a good reason for being mad at him and also that i wasn't going to fight over him with that brat. I also told him that whatever was going on with him and her, that i wasn't going to get in the middle of whatever. He changed the subject, but i'm just fine. At least i said what i had to say and i'm glad i did. I think deep down he knows i'm right...that's why he doesn't fight back, because he knows that everything i've said is right. The best weapon you can ever have in your power is truth and that will shut anyone's mouth and stop people dead in their tracks.
I think he saw everything in danger, and i know he's not stupid. Screw up and there's no Iowa. I'm not saying that now that he texted me that my trip is back on because i haven't even told my family yet but i still have some thinking to do and Daniel still has some maturing to do when it comes to relationships.
As much as the guy makes me want to rip out all my hair, it is still hard to hate him, don't ask me why.

He's going to have to make a choice sooner or later.
Her or Me.
I'm not sharing someone i love with another woman.
No Way.

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posted on 2010-12-15 @ 12:40 a.m.