look what you've done to me.
I'm wiping my face with my hand. I feel so bad because he's trying so hard. I don't know what's wrong with me anymore and why i can't shake this.
But if anyone felt what i feel, then maybe they could relate.
I don't like this, i dislike having to feel so conflicted, so sad, so torn up inside.
I can't seem to let this go...it's this...pull that i feel is tugging at me and then i cry and nothing is making it better. absolutely nothing.
If it were up to me, i wouldnt be feeling this way. It's like there's this brick wall there that i can't get over.
He's going out of his way to be here and i feel nothing for him. I dont want to confuse things because they already feel pretty tangled.
None of this is fun, it's just a basic excuse to cry and feel sad again.

I don't know what this means, or what i am supossed to do but i just want this feeling of overwhelming sadness to go away.

I'd give anything to stop being so broken hearted.

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posted on 2010-10-31 @ 10:01 p.m.