once you know somebody.
Woke up at 4:30a.m. this morning for work...(blahh) I didn't want to get out of bed, i never want to but i managed. I just keep looking at my sheets scattered all over the floor from my constant moving. Did i mention that before? I move alot. Mostly to switch sleeping positions. I always sleep on my stomach and then i take turns streching out my legs, so hence me moving alot. Patty told me that while we were in Houston together. She was my roommate. She was okay with walking around in her underwear while we were there which i found odd. Her tummy hangs, mostly because she's had three kids and all but i know at least half the reason is also because she eats alot. I'd be sitting on my bed and she would just walk out with her bra and panties. I tried not to watch her out of awkwardness (from my part) and respect but i guess i was always curious about how her tummy looked after she had her kids. She'd rub all these creams on her tummy and at the same time she'd tell me how your skin absorbs them and blah, blah. She claims you lose weight on it but i beg to differ. Anyway, while i browsed through the t.v., she told me i moved alot even though we had seperate beds. The sheets were pretty noisy so any move i made was exaggerated a million times.

I guess when you're friends with someone and then you live with them for a few days, you realize how they are. Patty sleeps through her alarm, she snores, she doesn't wash her hair every day. She likes to talk about herself alot and she breathes through her mouth instead of her nose. She also moves her head alot when she speaks, kind of ghetto-ish. I think she does that to seem more my age or maybe feel like she can relate to me more. She uses the phrase "and everything like that..." in every other sentence. She's a good driver but i question her ability to do air guitar while trying to hold on to the wheel.

I'm sure people would say things about me that could get them laughing but i really don't mind pointing them out...because i know i'm not close to perfect...

First of all, being left handed is a challenge. I do everything with my left hand. I hold the phone, fork/spoon. I wear my jewelry on my left hand only.

If i got lost somewhere, i'd go left.
I hate using spirals, they irritate me.

I have a tendency to trip, but not as much as before. So, yes...i'm klutzy.

I lose things. If i set my glasses down and then go do something else, by the time i realize they're missing, i forgot where i left them. It happens to me alot.

I like to ask questions. Even if the answer is obvious, i like to be sure about it 100%. I was told since i was little that there are no stupid questions, only arrogant people who are afraid of looking like they don't know what they're doing. so, i ask. my sibling finds that annoying.

I'm bad at taking compliments. It's always shocking to me when someone stops me to tell me they think i'm attractive (which they have, a few strangers) and i'm always left wondering "really?...me?" Maybe it's a flaw i have or the fact that i still have a few particles of insecurity that i have not worked out yet.

I also think that i'm not good enough for certain people, like it would be amazing if they actually wanted to be around me.

I'm really sensitive about things. If i got into a heavy argument, i'd cry. If i got mad, i'd cry. I wear my emotions on my sleeve and sometimes i hate that i do because i don't like being too vulnerable.

There are days that im very insecure about my body, then there are days that i like it. I'd really have to be in love to let someone see me nude, otherwise, forget it because that's a big deal...maybe not to some but it is to me.

Living with me is easy. I'm mellow. I like couches and laying on them. I'm not a messy person. The most i leave lying around is my cell phone and charger. If it's rainy, i'd like to dedicate an entire day to just being in bed.

I give more than i take.

I like playing old school video games. My favorites were Street Fighter, Super Mario Deluxe, Donkey Kong Country... but my most favorite was Mortal Kombat (mostly because i liked seeing the characters bleed.) If i played something more complicated these days like say, XBox, i'd totally lose, but i'm still a good sport about playing/laughing.

I don't mind losing one bit.

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posted on 2010-09-22 @ 7:21 p.m.