I'm a Joker, I'm a Smoker...
I almost didn't get out of bed this morning. I was too comfortable, too warm to even realize that the sun had come up. My curtains aren't dark enough to block out the light so the sun still peeks through the top part of my window and manages to light up part of my face.

It was wednesday so we all had to go over to Patty's house for our weekly study. I got ready grabbed my things and my cell and headed out. It's hot out and the temperature hasn't dropped but a couple of degrees here and there.

When i ring the doorbell, J.J.'s little face peeks from the window and she grins and says "Kenet!"
I laugh because she's so adorable and pretty. I crouch down to her level and she hugs me.

I wasn't paying much attention during the study. Patty rambles on about some things going on and i'm still figuring out how to use my Nokia Nuron.
There were too many sounds around and in the middle of conversations, kids running around and the telly being on, i heard Survivor singing from their living room. I smiled at that and when i picked up my head, i saw J.J. spinning around and singing along to it. I laughed. A few moments later Steve Miller of all people was singing now and this time i really laughed because a 4 year-old little tiny girl was singing along to "The Joker". She must have played the song 4 or 5 times. Patty said that because her boys have Rock Band, she has gotten fond of all the songs there so she has Eli download them for her and put them on a CD. All i have to say it, thank God for Rock Band but i have mixed feelings about people getting into classic rock because of a game when all this great music has been around since forever. That's a whole other issue though.

Everytime she played another song i knew the words to, i knew my brother was cringing on the inside.
She stopped playing the CD to run around with Joseph for a little while. On my way back from the living room i bent down to hug her and when i had my arms around her, i sang:

"I'm joker, i'm a smoker, i'm a midnight toker..."

She started to laugh and said: "No, I'M a joker!"

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posted on 2010-07-28 @ 3:15 p.m.