Sucked In.
My head kills me as of this moment. The slightest sound irritates me (even the keyboard and the noise i am making.) I must have slept until noon today and i don't regret it either. I'm glad i got the rest that i needed. I've found that i like to stay in bed even long after i wake up. I like how my bed feels and how fresh-scented my sheets smell after they've been washed.
Sometimes i hum songs while i'm laying there. Today, i hummed "Best of my Love" by the Eagles while the light made its way inside my bedroom. It certainly feels like spring when i look out of this window but i dislike how terrible i feel with the ache of my head. I feel like laying in the grass out front but i lack the energy to get up and do it. It feels as if though the energy has been sucked out of me that i don't even want to drive my car. I don't feel as enthused as i did anymore. It needs gas but i don't feel like going to the conoco just outside my neighborhood.

Maybe i need a kick to get me going. I've wanted to return to the Library so badly. I miss going. I was always a regular there and every lady at the checkout counter knew me and my pile of books. I miss reading terribly and i have to make myself go one of these days for sure.

It's time i got the life sucked back into my body again.

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posted on 2010-04-05 @ 6:45 p.m.