He says that I'm the One
I woke up a couple of hours ago from sleeping. I still feel a little drowsy, but the conversation i had with Gilbert earlier was still ringing in my mind. I don't fully understand him yet. I think he's bipolar but it's not fair for me to diagnose him. Maybe i'm trying to find an excuse for his behavior. He irritates me most of the time and i don't want to constantly be his pity party.
He says that i'm the one that stands out from the rest and that im the most amazing, innocent person he's ever known and that only i understand him.
He basically poured out that he was still interested in me and that it hurt him that i wasn't into him the same way.
I didn't get him. First he's out and about crying over his last girlfriend to the point where he was in danger of going to jail for it and now he's telling me he's always been interested in me, that im all this to him and oh, get this...
that he's hurt that im in love with daniel or something.

I feel a bit bombarded lately and i don't really understand how to deal with this yet. I wasn't shy about telling him how things were. I told him we were wrong for eachother, complete opposites and that i didn't feel anything for him, not even a mental attraction. I worry about him and that's as far as it gets. He gets me yelling most of the time on the phone (when he actually gets the nerve to speak) and i don't like myself that way. I like being friendly and nice, understanding but people like him bring out the worst in me. I told him what he was feeling for me wasn't real and that he could pretty much manage without me. He doesn't need me to survive and i am definately not the one for him.
He kept bitching about how no one is ever going to accept him for who he is, but seriously, in all reality, no one is going to deal with him unless a drastic change is made.

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posted on 2010-03-17 @ 9:34 p.m.